Understanding the Classification of Zodiac Signs

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Hello friends, welcome to today’s video! We will discuss the classification of zodiac signs, a topic that often confuses beginners in astrology. There are two main types of classifications, and it can be challenging to understand which zodiac sign belongs to which category, such as whether a sign is a movable sign or an earth element. By the end of this 5-minute video, you’ll have a clear understanding. So, take a deep breath, get comfortable, and let’s dive in.

Three Types of Zodiac Signs

Firstly, zodiac signs can be classified into three types:

1. Movable Signs

2. Fixed Signs

3. Dual Nature Signs

Movable Signs: These are the signs that imply movement and activity. They include:

– 1 (Aries)

– 4 (Cancer)

– 7 (Libra)

– 10 (Capricorn)

Fixed Signs:These signs represent stability and steadfastness. 

They include:

– 2 (Taurus)

– 5 (Leo)

– 8 (Scorpio)

– 11 (Aquarius)

Dual Nature Signs: These signs have a flexible nature and can exhibit both fixed and movable characteristics. They include:

– 3 (Gemini)

– 6 (Virgo)

– 9 (Sagittarius)

– 12 (Pisces)

Each type of sign has its unique traits, and understanding these can help you better grasp astrological concepts.

Elemental Classification

Another way to classify zodiac signs is by their elements. There are four elements in astrology:

1. Fire

2. Earth

3. Air

4. Water

Fire Signs: These are passionate and energetic signs. They include:

– 1 (Aries)

– 5 (Leo)

– 9 (Sagittarius)

Earth Signs: These signs are practical and grounded. They include:

– 2 (Taurus)

– 6 (Virgo)

– 10 (Capricorn)

Air Signs: These are intellectual and communicative signs. They include:

– 3 (Gemini)

– 7 (Libra)

– 11 (Aquarius)

Water Signs: These signs are emotional and intuitive. They include:

– 4 (Cancer)

– 8 (Scorpio)

– 12 (Pisces)

Each element influences the personality and behavior of the signs associated with it. For example, Fire signs are known for their dynamism, Earth signs for their stability, Air signs for their intellect, and Water signs for their emotional depth.

Practical Implications

Understanding these classifications can also help in practical scenarios like marriage matching. For instance, if one partner is a movable sign and the other is a fixed sign, there might be differences in how they approach activities and commitments. Recognizing these differences can help in creating a harmonious relationship.


This basic understanding of zodiac sign classifications will serve as a foundation for more advanced astrological concepts. Remember, these classifications are symbolic and meant to help you grasp the broader characteristics of each sign.

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