I welcome death: my perspective on Philosophy of Life and Death

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Are you thinking about the title, how can I write like this, in fact, how could someone write like this,

Is everything okay with me?

Come on don’t need to worry about me, I’m fine and on my way.

So why did I write like this?

So exactly I’m going to explain what I have learned about death.

So what is death?

When we get off forever from this world or when our breath gets off forever or our body gets to sleep forever,

Then we assume that someone has died or is alive

am I right?

But what would be your reaction if I say we die every day or neither a person dies nor gets birth,

Isn’t sound like very stupid.

But according to my understanding, this is true and I can explain how it is true.

So let’s get started,

I have been living alone for almost since last more than 2 years and for the last 1 year, I have been living completely alone without having any kind of contact with my parents, friends, or family I have been in touch with only two-person and even they didn’t know that I have no any kind of contact with my family.

So why?

this is a long story I will tell you in my further articles but right now we are going to understand death and I’m sure after reading this article you will learn something new that you may haven’t before.

So as I was living alone without having contact with any closest person and during this period I got a chance to learn a lot of things which was almost impossible to learn while staying with my home and my family.

As human beings, we make a lot of mistakes and sometimes we fill ourselves with regression and guilt resistance, We cannot forget those things which cannot leave us for the rest of our life.

As a human being, I also have made some mistakes, and when I got reminded of those things I felt like why? Why did I do that thing?

But if we practically think about that then even thinking about those things like a follies thing because they have been gone for forever now tell me what you can do about those mistakes which you have made can you correct them in your present can you fix them in your present obviously you can’t, but you can learn from those mistakes right.

I know it is easy to say but it’s true you can’t do anything for the mistakes, that you have already made if you can do anything then just move on.

But it’s not an easy job.

So how can we overcome the mistakes we have made, how can we come out of the feeling of regression and guilt resistance?

So the solution is death.


Hang on

Is it what I’m, saying about the suicide attempts?

Then no.

Here I’m going to explain to you how we can come out from our past life regression guilt through death without killing ourselves.

So what happened that as a routine I was thinking as thinkers do and I had a moment inside of my mind from my past and I didn’t want to remember the moment, incidents which have been passed whether it be good or bad but as I say in the beginning they are not going to leave you until your death come.

Now think about that, in a practical way after our death happens, what happens to the thoughts that we have been carrying with us entire our lives until we don’t get die, what happens to those regressions guilt, and complaints, that we carry entire our life like a burden,

Think about that

Isn’t interesting

after our death, Everything gets left behind us, even, though we don’t know what has happened with our body.

And if I talk about death then you don’t know when will you die and neither I, nobody knows when they will die, maybe the next few hours or a few minutes or a few seconds, may be the next 2 days, one month one year, could be our last day or year.

Anything could happen and we don’t have control over this.

So what happened was that, as I was living without having contact with my family I realized even though they don’t know if I’m alive or dead I don’t have any idea what’s going on with my family, and between this gap, I came to a thought that that exactly happens after our death.

entire our life we fight with each other we blame to each other we say this is my things this is my body this is my house this is my parents this is my girlfriend or boyfriend this is my husband or wife this is my brother or sister this is my friend.

Now think about whether they really personally belong to you if you think yes then till when?

Until they are alive they exist in this world likewise you exist for them until you are alive and in fact all those things which you think this is mine.

And after death, you don’t know what was yours, and it doesn’t matter what was yours and who and whatever does belong to you

nobody cares what was yours, for a few days they will cry for you they will miss you but till when?

after all, they have to move on and this is not something called being selfish this is the option provided by the nature, universe and you have to accept it and, you have to compromise with it, this is the only way to survive.

So after all these points, I reached a conclusion Death is not a different thing, death exists in this world like life exists according to Hinduism philosophy our death has already been written since we were birth.

And I believe we carry death with us every moment of our life in fact death has always been one step ahead and like walking when you accidentally get impinged by any poll or any person and you don’t have any control over that situation just it happens and you stop for a moment, same death happens because you don’t know when will death stop walking and life will get impinge with death and life will stop walking.

Here try to understand every moment you live you have to feel you are alive you exist in this world that is life and those all moments incidents that have passed that’s all have died,

So what do you understand?

Like nobody gonna cry forever for your death,

Even you also are not gonna cry for someone who is not gonna come back into your life in this world again,

then why?

Why do we think we feel regression for those moments of those incidents that have passed?

They all have been dead.

Even I would say the memories that make you emotional or happy, they have also died.

As Bhagwat Geeta has mentioned and one of my favorite sloka which is my ideology inspiration for dealing with this world and life too is,

ॐ सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ ।

This means in every situation we have to be in the same state of mind because nothing is going to be permanent in this world

If you are happy today then you can’t expect the same thing the same day will repeat to you again and again.

So why not, we just live and enjoy by just watching and observing our moments, and activities that are happening right now

Here I’m not saying that you have to live your life very monotonously

no, when you get a chance to enjoy the moment just do it and celebrate it, but don’t think you are going to keep it, for a lifetime.

Every day when you wake up, just live like a new day beginning, live in the present,

Do not forget that if you have carried life then death is always there remember death is always one step ahead of life.

As I assume, “If there is any most beautiful gift given by God after birth then it is death.”

The gap between life and death is called Sambhav.

This means In every situation your mood should be balanced

And if you want a balanced life you have to put yourself in the gap between life and death

Life makes you realize that, you are alive and be happy for everything that you have and death realizes that whatever you have nothing is yours so whenever this kind of situation arises in your life when the matter reaches on this is mine or I did this try to stop your self and think about death you don’t need to afraid of death but death is something that will help you to stay away from your trouble creator EGO.

Here you have to understand this point your job is life to live, which god or the universe has given to you but when death comes, don’t be afraid of death.

it is a part of life and like, you don’t have control over where and how you get born likewise you don’t have the right to destroy your life in fact, any living being that exists in this world. they do not have this right to take away the life that god has given to us not by committing suicide nor by killing others.

So the summary is,

Every day when you wake up it’s your new birth,

Every day that has been passed it was your past life

Which has been dead,

Which has been gone forever,

And it won’t come back so don’t waste your time

To the thinking of them whether it be a good or bad experience

Forget and move on.

Live only in the moment that has right now.

Now from today whatever you are it’s your new version

It is different from the old one it requires changes and transformation

you have to allow yourself to changes

It is unique and not among billion of one,

It’s only one.

It is smart, very handsome and beautiful

It is intelligent and powerful  

It is great and honest

Everybody loves this one

It’s your inspiration

It’s your ideal

It’s very calm in every situation

Yes it is you

A new version of yourself.

Thank you and have a great day.

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