60/20/10 Rule

                                        I know you are familiar with this rule you might have studied in your school or you might have read about this topic in the book of the famous and best seller author asvp Hitesh. Uff waits a moment even though I haven’t released any kind of content like this before then how could […]

60/20/10 Rule Read More »

I welcome death: my perspective on Philosophy of Life and Death

                           Are you thinking about the title, how can I write like this, in fact, how could someone write like this, Is everything okay with me? Come on don’t need to worry about me, I’m fine and on my way. So why did I write like this? So exactly I’m going to explain what I

I welcome death: my perspective on Philosophy of Life and Death Read More »

Do this exercise and get instant result                                                               

                                       Facial exercise You might be familiar with this exercise and if I talk about me then firstly it was a very weird kind of exercise you makes your face kind of weird and it makes your face ugly for a moment but it really works and if you are a working professional or if

Do this exercise and get instant result                                                                Read More »